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01-12-2020 | Original Article

Correspondence analysis-based network clustering and importance of degenerate solutions unification of spectral clustering and modularity maximization

Author: Masaomi Kimura

Published in: Social Network Analysis and Mining | Issue 1/2020

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Methods to find clusters in a network have been studied extensively because clustering has practical importance in many applications. Commonly used methods include spectral clustering and Newman’s modularity maximization. However, there has been no unified view of the two methods. In this study, we introduce an innovative guiding principle based on correspondence analysis to obtain node coordinates and discuss its equivalence to spectral clustering and Newman’s modularity. Besides, we discuss a degeneration case and its significance.

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Correspondence analysis-based network clustering and importance of degenerate solutions unification of spectral clustering and modularity maximization
Masaomi Kimura
Publication date
Springer Vienna
Published in
Social Network Analysis and Mining / Issue 1/2020
Print ISSN: 1869-5450
Electronic ISSN: 1869-5469

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