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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Cost Effectiveness of the Smart Home System in Civil Engineering

Authors : Olga Gamayunova, Andina Sprince, Daria Morozova

Published in: Proceedings of EECE 2019

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Modern buildings are faced with ever-increasing demands for energy savings, comfort and safety. The constant increase in electricity and heat tariffs forces us to look for new technologies that conserve resources, use materials with high thermal insulation, etc. In recent years, systems capable of creating comfort, ensuring safety and also saving the consumption of electricity, water and gas have become increasingly popular. One of such systems is the Smart Home intelligent technology which can automatically coordinate seamlessly control all kinds of engineering devices and the building as a whole. Installing Smart Home systems and technologies, specialists focus mainly on saving money. The article describes the basic configuration of the Smart Home system, on the basis of which the economic efficiency of the installation of this system is determined using basic economic indicators. The calculation results showed that the Smart Home system for an apartment of 73.6 m2 will pay off in six years.

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Cost Effectiveness of the Smart Home System in Civil Engineering
Olga Gamayunova
Andina Sprince
Daria Morozova
Copyright Year