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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

6. Cultural Dynamics of Chinese Calligraphy from a Semiotic Gaze. A Design-Oriented Platform to Valorize Cultural Heritage

Authors : Weihuan Hou, Giacomo Festi

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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In the context of today’s multicultural collision, Chinese calligraphy, as a symbol of China’s cultural soft power and one of the principal carriers of cultural production, faces significant challenges pertaining to questions of meaning and heritage valorization. Design is considered as a potent communication instrument with the capacity to improve cultural heritage values, whereas semiotics is a potent analytical paradigm that can provide novel insights into cultural challenges. To fully address the complexity of Chinese calligraphy, there is a research gap in the in-depth study of meaning in calligraphy through semiotic analysis. Additionally, a set of design methodologies to direct design applications must be developed. This study aims to identify and establish design approaches based on semiotic interpretation of the complexity of Chinese calligraphy in order to direct design projects toward the valorization of cultural heritage. The method is based on qualitative semiotic analysis, which could present the inherent complexity of calligraphy in terms of meaning trajectories, connecting the visible sign (pure graphic composition), the trace as related to the body of the calligrapher, and the peculiar object of calligraphy (the material frame), which is part of a media culture and, in the long tradition of China, power dynamics. The purpose of this paper is to provide suggestions for approaching the complexity of Chinese calligraphy in the context of design project development. Finally, we represent a design-oriented platform of principles that enables the development of more particular design projects in a variety of areas.

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Cultural Dynamics of Chinese Calligraphy from a Semiotic Gaze. A Design-Oriented Platform to Valorize Cultural Heritage
Weihuan Hou
Giacomo Festi
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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