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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. Cultural Heritage and Climate Change

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By considering climate change as a disaster risk driver, this chapter explores cultural heritage’s complex interrelationship with climate change, retracing such synergies within significant international documents, roadmaps, and scholarly debates at the international level. It informs the readers about climate change, its challenges, and its effects on cultural heritage, considering climate science and heritage fields. The chapter argues for a possible role of heritage in response to climate change. In specific, it critically reviews significant existing international policy documents such as the 2015 UN Paris Agreement, the 2017 UNESCO Strategy for Action on Climate Change (SACC), the 2019 European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage (EFACH), and the 2020 ICOMOS Resolution 20GA/15-Cultural Heritage and the Climate Emergency by which it provides us a better understanding of the matter in hand while reflecting on constructive ways to shift our shared mission to action by looking into a few transformative initiatives.

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Cultural Heritage and Climate Change
Mehrnaz Rajabi
Copyright Year