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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Cybersecurity and Dependability for Digital Twins and the Internet of Things

Author : Vartan Piroumian

Published in: The Digital Twin

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Digital twin technology is poised to become an ubiquitous addition to the global technology landscape. As with every other technology or computing capability, platform, environment or ecosystem, risk always accompanies benefit. In order to mitigate risk and effect robust, safe, secure computing environments and capabilities, one must first identify and comprehend the implications of unmodulated risk.
Digital twin technology is no exception—in fact quite the contrary. As a consequence of digital twins being intrinsically associated with physical objects, the potential for negative outcomes is greater than for many other computing applications. Because digital twins will be employed in applications that interact with and control real-world, physical objects, they will also affect human beings who use or rely on those very real objects that are ubiquitous in our everyday physical world.
This chapter discusses the specific areas of cybersecurity and dependability risk in digital twin environments and applications. Dependable systems must also be secure and safe. There is both interplay and interdependency between elements of dependable systems and elements of secure systems.
The challenge of making systems dependable and secure is exacerbated in situations where components are physically more exposed and, therefore, potentially vulnerable to attack by external agents or entities. Such is the case for systems that employ digital twins—engendering a serious imperative to address cybersecurity and dependability. Neglecting to do so invites more serious consequences—not the least of which is harm to humans—as these systems involve physical, real-world objects with which human beings will interact.

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Cybersecurity and Dependability for Digital Twins and the Internet of Things
Vartan Piroumian
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