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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Data Homogeneity Dependent Topic Modeling for Information Retrieval

Authors : Keerthana Sureshbabu Kashi, Abigail A. Antenor, Gabriel Isaac L. Ramolete, Adrienne Heinrich

Published in: Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Different topic modeling techniques have been applied over the years to categorize and make sense of large volumes of unstructured textual data. Our observation shows that there is not one single technique that works well for all domains or for a general use case. We hypothesize that the performance of these algorithms depends on the variation and heterogeneity of topics mentioned in free text and aim to investigate this effect in our study. Our proposed methodology comprises of i) the calculation of a homogeneity score to measure the variation in the data, ii) selection of the algorithm with the best performance for the calculated homogeneity score. For each homogeneity score, the performances of popular topic modeling algorithms, namely NMF, LDA, LSA, and BERTopic, were compared using an accuracy and Cohen’s kappa score. Our results indicate that for highly homogeneous data, BERTopic outperformed the other algorithms (Cohen’s kappa of 0.42 vs. 0.06 for LSA). For medium and low homogeneous data, NMF was superior to the other algorithms (medium homogeneity returns a Cohen’s kappa of 0.3 for NMF vs. 0.15 for LDA, 0.1 for BERTopic, 0.04 for LSA).

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Data Homogeneity Dependent Topic Modeling for Information Retrieval
Keerthana Sureshbabu Kashi
Abigail A. Antenor
Gabriel Isaac L. Ramolete
Adrienne Heinrich
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