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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Decentralized Billing and Subcontracting of Application Services for Cloud Environment Providers

Authors : Wolf Posdorfer, Julian Kalinowski, Heiko Bornholdt, Winfried Lamersdorf

Published in: Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This paper proposes a decentralized billing and subcontracting system for regional cloud service providers. Based on blockchain technology, this system allows, on the one hand side, to collectively offer services in a distributed environment in a strict or ad-hoc federation and, on the other, to bill each user of such a services individually without a respective central service. In order to do so, it uses a blockchain-based transaction process which uses specialized tokens in order to enable a fair and secure distribution of requested cloud services. It maintains the ability to achieve consensus by validating the respective blockchain (part). In result, the proposed system is not bound to a specific technology, but rather open to any blockchain that allows arbitrary data or modeling of custom transactions.

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Decentralized Billing and Subcontracting of Application Services for Cloud Environment Providers
Wolf Posdorfer
Julian Kalinowski
Heiko Bornholdt
Winfried Lamersdorf
Copyright Year

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