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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

8. Decision Making Ideology: Correlation Analysis Between Informal Settlements Growth & Upgrading Policies in Egypt

Authors : Aya Elsisy, Ayman M. Ashour, Marwa A. Khalifa, Laila M. Khodeir

Published in: New Cities and Community Extensions in Egypt and the Middle East

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Planning for future urban development usually pursues a comprehensive understanding for complex city systems with all its diversities. The balance of these systems depends on their interchanging dynamics when they contribute in city’s generation, and stabilize its development momentum. Since formal and informal systems integrate within market dynamics; development policies should be inclusive for both. In this chapter, development management in Egypt is investigated through assessing effectiveness of decision making ideology on success of informal settlements’ upgrading policies. This chapter discusses the integration level of upgrading policies within Egypt’s agenda for sustainable development, and constructs a correlation analysis between growing informality and the upgrading policies implemented; tracking down deficiencies and poor practices. The findings assist in establishing a platform for evaluating the applicability of ‘Good Urban Governance’ within the Egyptian legislative and institutional frameworks; putting into consideration the poor institutional setup, the poor legislations’ understanding, and the poor steering structure for city development management.

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Decision Making Ideology: Correlation Analysis Between Informal Settlements Growth & Upgrading Policies in Egypt
Aya Elsisy
Ayman M. Ashour
Marwa A. Khalifa
Laila M. Khodeir
Copyright Year