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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

15. Democracy and Environmental Education: A Necessary Symbiosis in Mexico: Some Lessons from Ecuador

Authors : Alejandra Chávez, Angélica Prado

Published in: Transition to a Safe Anthropocene in the Asia-Pacific

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The present chapter addresses the aim to develop an egalitarian relationship between the environment and individuals. In this sense, there is a need for environmental education as an instrument that consolidates the democratic context from an equitable vision of coexistence, recognizing the rights of all living beings. In Mexico, the proposal in the six-year term of López Obrador for the New Mexican School intends to offer a comprehensive education in all areas of knowledge, based on eight principles, two of which are explored in this study: citizens’ responsibility and respect for nature, and care for the environment. Could it be that this paradigm proposal reaches what was proposed in Ecuador, where nature is constitutionally placed as a subject of rights? Contrasting the proposals of these countries will lead us to show the degree to which environmental education is acting as a democratizing process.

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The INECC has its origin in the period 1976–1982 in three Secretariats (Health and Assistance, Human Settlements and Public Works, and Agriculture and Water Resources) which had, respectively, an Undersecretariat for Environmental Improvement, a General Directorate of Urban Ecology, and a General Directorate of Water Use, Prevention and Control of Pollution (DOF 2016).
According to the DOF (2016), the General Law on Climate Change (LGCC), published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on June 6, 2012 and which entered into force in October of that same year, created the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) as a decentralized public body of the Federal Public Administration, with legal personality and its own assets and management autonomy, sectorized in the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.
The Convention on Biological Diversity was signed on June 5, 1992 at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, and entered into force on 29 December 1993 (UNEP 2020).
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change entered into force on March 21, 1994 (UNFCC n.d.).
New law published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 28, 1988.
Use of: Dry Sanitary, Ecological Sanitary, Rainwater Harvesting System (SCALL), garden with low-load irrigation, hydroponic cultivation system, artificial wetland, firewood-saving stove, construction of straw-bale walls, food dehydrator, bike pump, and sustainable construction with bamboo.
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Democracy and Environmental Education: A Necessary Symbiosis in Mexico: Some Lessons from Ecuador
Alejandra Chávez
Angélica Prado
Copyright Year