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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Design and Analysis of Resonant Bar Fixtures for Multi-axis Shock Response Testing

Authors : Adam J. Bouma, Tyler F. Schoenherr, David E. Soine

Published in: Topics in Modal Analysis & Parameter Identification, Vol. 9

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Resonant fixture testing techniques, particularly resonant plate, bar, and beam, have been used for mechanical shock testing for several decades. The resonant bar shock test is a dynamic test of a mid-field pyroshock environment where a test article is mounted on one end of the bar and a projectile is struck against the opposite end along the longitudinal axis. This causes the bar to resonate at the natural frequency of the extensional mode of the fixture, while the transverse response remains low. Model-driven test design of resonant bars suggests that the transverse response can achieve similar orders of magnitude to that of the axial response with an off-center projectile impact. A model of a legacy resonant bar fixture shows that impacts not located at the centroid of the cross-section cause transverse motion of the test article. The transverse motion can even be in the same order of magnitude as the in-axis motion. This paper shows that the response of the resonant bar fixture is strongly influenced by boundary conditions and input force representation for the projectile impact. Integrating these findings, a new resonant bar fixture is designed with a square cross-section to deliver a multi-axis response, all at similar levels of magnitude.

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go back to reference Schoenherr, T.F., Soine, D.E., Witt, B.L.: Experimental modal analysis of a resonant plate during a mid-field pyroshock replication test. In: Sensors and Instrumentation, Aircraft/Aerospace Dynamic Environments Testing, vol. 7, pp. 41–52. Springer, Berlin (2023)CrossRef Schoenherr, T.F., Soine, D.E., Witt, B.L.: Experimental modal analysis of a resonant plate during a mid-field pyroshock replication test. In: Sensors and Instrumentation, Aircraft/Aerospace Dynamic Environments Testing, vol. 7, pp. 41–52. Springer, Berlin (2023)CrossRef
go back to reference Schoenherr, T.F., Soine, D.E., Witt, B.L.: Testing, Characterization, and Modeling of the Resonant Plate Test Environment Report SAND2022-0780. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque (2022)CrossRef Schoenherr, T.F., Soine, D.E., Witt, B.L.: Testing, Characterization, and Modeling of the Resonant Plate Test Environment Report SAND2022-0780. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque (2022)CrossRef
go back to reference Hopkins, R., Sisemore, C.: Design of a Resonant Plate Shock Test for Simultaneous Multi-axis Excitation SAND2019-0777C. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque (2019) Hopkins, R., Sisemore, C.: Design of a Resonant Plate Shock Test for Simultaneous Multi-axis Excitation SAND2019-0777C. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque (2019)
go back to reference Sisemore, C., Babuska, V., Flores, R.: Multi-axis Resonant Plate Shock Testing Evaluation and Test Specification Development Report SAND2020-10224. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque (2020)CrossRef Sisemore, C., Babuska, V., Flores, R.: Multi-axis Resonant Plate Shock Testing Evaluation and Test Specification Development Report SAND2020-10224. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque (2020)CrossRef
Design and Analysis of Resonant Bar Fixtures for Multi-axis Shock Response Testing
Adam J. Bouma
Tyler F. Schoenherr
David E. Soine
Copyright Year

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