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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Design and Implementation of a Data Analysis System Based on Artificial Intelligence

Author : Zeyu Shan

Published in: Advances in Communication, Devices and Networking

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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In response to the current problems of insufficient objectivity, lack of intelligent management, and lack of feedback and incentive mechanisms in human resource management, the author proposes a work evaluation system based on artificial intelligence algorithms and deep data analysis technology. Using data mining technology, feature indicators with strong correlation with performance are extracted from employee work indicators, and the extracted indicators are classified using artificial intelligence-related algorithms to complete job evaluation. On this basis, utilizing the transparency and reproducibility of classification algorithms, the evaluation process is outputted while outputting the evaluation level. Using the evaluation process as feedback for employees’ work, achieving a motivating effect on their work. Compared with traditional evaluation systems, this evaluation system has the advantages of strong objectivity and simple operation. In the test, the accuracy rate of the evaluation system reached 94%, thus proving the correctness and effectiveness of the system.

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Design and Implementation of a Data Analysis System Based on Artificial Intelligence
Zeyu Shan
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore