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Design and simulation of the charge layer effect on the Schottky junction characteristics using an ensemble Monte Carlo model

Authors: Fatemeh Haddadan, Mohammad Soroosh, Ramakrishnan Rajasekar

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 1/2025

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In this research, an efficient two-valley Monte Carlo model simulates the Schottky junction. Impurity and phonon scatterings are considered, and impact ionization is included in the scattering matrix. Non-parabolic energy bands are assumed, and tunneling and thermionic emission are the current components. By adding a thin layer, it is shown that the formation of an electric field opposite to the electron motion direction at the junction boundary increases the effective height of the Schottky barrier. By changing the impurity concentration density of this thin layer, the change in the effective height of the Schottky barrier and consequently the simulated passing current is studied. A comparison of the results obtained from the simulation with valid scientific data confirms the correctness of the presented model. The proposed model can be widely used in the analysis of Schottky-based devices.

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Design and simulation of the charge layer effect on the Schottky junction characteristics using an ensemble Monte Carlo model
Fatemeh Haddadan
Mohammad Soroosh
Ramakrishnan Rajasekar
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 1/2025
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137