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Design of a MIM sensor using an optical resonator and GMDH algorithm for high efficiency applications

Authors: Seyed Abed Zonouri, Mohsen Hayati

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 2/2024

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This paper presents the design and simulation of an optical sensor using a metal–insulator-metal (MIM) configuration, employing the finite difference time domain method to analyze the structure of the proposed sensor. The present study investigates the influence of both geometric and physical parameters of a designed resonator on the light transmission rate of the suggested sensor. Through the simulation of a rake-shaped resonator within the 600–2000 nm wavelength spectrum, we assess the repercussions of varying its geometric configuration. To optimize the sensor design, we integrated the group method of data handling neural network algorithm. Our results reveal an optimal design incorporating a resonator height of 80 nm and an assembly of three such resonators, achieving an excellent operational spectrum for the wavelength of the sensor, accompanied by a remarkable sensitivity of 2587.87 nm per refractive index unit. Additionally, by increasing the width of the resonator, it was observed that the wavelength of the resonance in the transmission rate shifted to longer wavelengths, which expands the application of the proposed MIM sensor. This finding underscores the potential for deploying the sensor in diverse applications.

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Design of a MIM sensor using an optical resonator and GMDH algorithm for high efficiency applications
Seyed Abed Zonouri
Mohsen Hayati
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137