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Development and implementation of technology for replacing coke with natural gas to reduce solid fuel consumption in classic blast furnaces of the severstal company

Authors: E. N. Vinogradov, A. A. Kal’ko, S. V. Chikinov, E. A. Volkov, O. A. Kal’ko

Published in: Metallurgist | Issue 1/2024

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This paper presents the generalized experience in developing and implementing technology for high specific natural gas consumption in blast furnaces at the Severstal Company. In-depth analysis was performed, problem areas in the technology of replacing coke with natural gas were identified and described, and corrective measures were developed at four process control levels. Only a systematic application of all elements of the developed technology enables us to achieve high economic indicators. Experience in technology development has made possible a specific natural gas consumption of more than 190 m3/t of cast iron and a solid fuel consumption of less than 350 kg/t of cast iron. The most efficient technology development was achieved at blast furnace No. 3, with natural gas consumption of over 210 m3/t of cast iron and solid fuel consumption of less than 325 kg/t of cast iron.

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Development and implementation of technology for replacing coke with natural gas to reduce solid fuel consumption in classic blast furnaces of the severstal company
E. N. Vinogradov
A. A. Kal’ko
S. V. Chikinov
E. A. Volkov
O. A. Kal’ko
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Metallurgist / Issue 1/2024
Print ISSN: 0026-0894
Electronic ISSN: 1573-8892

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