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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

8. Development of a Toolkit for Securing Finance for Real Estate Project Development

Author : Lucy Ogbenjuwa

Published in: Real Estate Finance and Economics

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This chapter developed the toolkit for securing finance for real estate project development and this is the guide for securing finance for real estate project development. Findings have shown that no comprehensive framework is presently available that guides managers involved with securing finance for real estate project development.
This toolkit would enhance access to finance for real estate project development by ensuring that managers understand the different finance options and criteria required by the different financiers, the challenges, opportunities and critical success factors for securing finance for real estate project development. It would also educate managers on the key decisions and processes associated with securing finance for real estate project development. The toolkit would provide information on the skills, knowledge, comptences, career path, training and education for securing finance for real estate project development. The toolkit is to support real estate managers in securing finance for real estate project development and serve as a guide in training and education for both academia and the industry. The toolkit is made up of six components which are as follows:
Inventory of finance options and criteria for securing finance for real estate project development.
Conceptual framework for environmental scan for securing finance for real estate project development.
Process map for securing finance for real estate project development.
Inventory of skills, knowledge, and competences for securing finance for real estate project development.
Conceptual framework for career path for securing finance for real estate project development.
Conceptual framework for training and education for securing finance for real estate project development.

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Development of a Toolkit for Securing Finance for Real Estate Project Development
Lucy Ogbenjuwa
Copyright Year