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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Development of Analytical DataMart and Data Pipeline for Recruitment Analytics

Authors : Ashish Chandra Jha, Sanjeev Kumar Jha, J. B. Simha

Published in: Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The HR department handles all the data regarding the recruitment process while also analyzing them to select suitable candidates for the organization. The HR department interacts with the data regarding the recruitment using many tools for data analysis and interpretation. Such data should be organized properly to ensure the screening of candidates. Each system gives their own report in their own format. Data is not integrated and aggregated at proper granularity suitable for analysis. This can be mitigated by the use of Dimensional and Analytical DataMarts. The dimensional DataMarts will contain transitional data modified for analysis with dimensions and facts. These DataMarts can be used for any adhoc analysis like drill down/roll up, slice and dice, drill through, comparative analysis etc. The analytical DataMart will contain the aggregated data in one row per employee format. This will be task specific like Quality of Hire modeling, Cost of Hire, Time to Hire, demand prediction etc.
This paper has focused on creating a recruitment DataMart for Human Resource Department with the assistance of the data modeling technique. This Paper has also discussed the exploratory data analysis and model building in relation to the DataMarts for the recruitment.

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Development of Analytical DataMart and Data Pipeline for Recruitment Analytics
Ashish Chandra Jha
Sanjeev Kumar Jha
J. B. Simha
Copyright Year

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