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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Diffraction of Scalar-Impulsive(SH) Waves by a Spherical Cavity Embedded in an Inhomogeneous Medium

Authors : Aditya Kumar Patnaik, S. M. Abo-Dahab, Sapan Kumar Samal

Published in: Recent Trends in Wave Mechanics and Vibrations

Publisher: Springer Singapore

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The solution of displacement field to the problem of diffraction of SH waves generated by an impulsive point source due to a spherical cavity in a non-homogeneous elastic medium, has been obtained in integral forms. The integrals are evaluated asymptotically to obtain short time estimate of the motion near the wave front for large frequency. The displacement of impulsive waves are shown graphically for different values of inhomogeneity factor ‘\(q(0<q<1)\)’ with respect to observational point. It is observed that the displacement of diffracted SH-waves decreases as the arrival time increases for some fixed values of inhomogeneity of the medium. Also for fixed arrival time the displacement decreases as the inhomogeneity increases.

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Diffraction of Scalar-Impulsive(SH) Waves by a Spherical Cavity Embedded in an Inhomogeneous Medium
Aditya Kumar Patnaik
S. M. Abo-Dahab
Sapan Kumar Samal
Copyright Year
Springer Singapore

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