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17-10-2022 | Special Issue Paper

Digital entrepreneurship indicator (DEI): an analysis of the case of the greater Paris metropolitan area

Authors: Dorine Cornet, Jean Bonnet, Sébastien Bourdin

Published in: The Annals of Regional Science | Issue 3/2023

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The digital entrepreneurship indicator (DEI), which combines individual and institutional data, is designed to chart the vitality of metropolitan areas in terms of digital entrepreneurship on a suburban scale. In this study, we apply it to the case of the Greater Paris Metropolitan area. Using geographically weighted regression, we explore the spatial heterogeneity of the effect of digital entrepreneurial ecosystems on the location quotient of information and communication technology firms with fewer than 10 employees. The results highlight a positive link between the DEI and the location quotient of small ICT firms. In particular, the aspects of both ATTitudes and CAPacities (i.e., urbanization economies, Human Development Index, density of incubators, accounting and financial services, and fiber optic coverage) appear to have a significant effect on a suburban scale.

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The entrepreneurial ecosystem is an interconnected set of actors, organizations, institutions, and processes that combine in multiple ways within a local entrepreneurial environment (Isenberg 2010).
Sussan and Ács (2017) defining DEEs as the combination of elements in a given region the objective of which is to support the development and growth of innovative startups seeking new opportunities offered by the digital world.
In 1998, Maillat reported that urban areas are the most conducive to the development of innovative activities because they cover an over-representation of crucial resources to entrepreneurship. Cities effectively concentrate a critical mass of business-oriented tertiary activities, which are essential for the operation and development of an innovative system (research and development, technology, expertise, communication, training, finance, legal and managerial assistance, etc.).
It includes issues related to funding, skills, civil society, collaboration, infrastructure and diversity and inclusion. For more information: https://​www.​nesta.​org.​uk/​report/​european-digital-social-innovation-index-methodology/​.
This index was developed as part of a doctoral thesis thanks to a “Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche” (CIFRE) between the Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the City of Paris. This doctoral thesis "Entrepreneurial ecosystems in metropolitan territories" was defended by Dorine Cornet on January 18, 2021.
The “capital region” accounts for about 18% of the total population and more than 30% of France’s gross domestic product. It employs over 40% of researchers in France (public and private research) (Aubry et al. 2015).
The “Atelier Parisien d'URbanisme” (APUR) identifies the 110 places that support entrepreneurial and innovative activities (incubators, nurseries, accelerators) established in the GPM. https://​www.​apur.​org/​fr/​nos-travaux/​observatoire-jeunes-entreprises-innovantes-metropole-grand-paris.
Representative of the first TPE of the GPM.
A plethora of institutions of higher education, such as the université Paris Nanterre, Ecole d'Ingénieurs Paris-La Défense, IIM Paris–Grande École du Digital, Ascencia Business School, École de Finance & Management, ESAM, ESSEC, etc.
Created in 2006 as a non-profit organization, Cap Digital is currently recognized as the biggest cluster in Europe and one of the largest innovators’ collectives in the digital ecosystem.
This place is trendy, close to the big names of art and luxury, such as the Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery, Chanel and its lab, and BETC (newly installed in the old general stores in Pantin). Fashion collections, including Soukmachines, are present and have taken over Hall Papin.
Xavier Niel, a French entrepreneur that founded Free, which is the fourth French operator in mobile smartphones, established “school 42” for ICT students. The programs concerned are computer programming, algorithms and artificial intelligence, graphics, innovation, web, technology integration, infrastructures, cyber security, big data and data, and parallel computing, which are based on peer-learning, a participatory pedagogy with no classes or teachers. The fist school created in Paris (17th district) was extended to Lyon, Angoulême, and Nice in 2021.
An index provided by the IdF region in 2013, derived from a combination the three sub-indices of education, health, and standard of living.
We refer to the French “Pôle de Competitivité” policy: Six clusters plus Paris (cf. part 1).
Note that the explanatory variables are lagged in time (2 years) from the dependent variable to avoid endogeneity problems.
The determination of the bandwidth aims to minimize the residual spatial dependence of the GWR. We also implemented a robustness test using a variable bandwidth with a fixed distance and a variable number of nearest neighbors and obtained corroborating results.
The map is available upon request.
When implemented alone in a GWR, the ASP axis is strongly significant.
Cities are most endowed with this crucial resource: Six cities in the United States rank first: San Francisco, San José, Boston, New York, Los Angeles, and San Diego, followed by London at seventh place and Paris only at 16th place (Adler et al. 2019). Not all districts of the same metropolis can host capital-backed startups: “Indeed, ten of the top twenty zip codes for digital venture capital startups are urban neighborhoods, with six mainly in around downtown San Francisco, and three in neighborhoods in New York City's Lower Manhattan” (Adler et al. 2019, p. 126).
Thanks to access to digital fabrication tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters, CAD software and computer numerical control (CNC) milling machines.
These new technologies include biotech, nanotech, neuro-technologies, green and renewables, information and communication technology (ICT) and mobile communications, 3D, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, sensoring, space technology, and drones.
In France, following the health crisis, the confinements and curfews that marked it, as well as the trivialization of telecommuting, the desire of GPM inhabitants to locate has shifted towards medium-sized cities that has become more attractive.
The extracted values are those whose initial eigenvalue is under 1.
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Digital entrepreneurship indicator (DEI): an analysis of the case of the greater Paris metropolitan area
Dorine Cornet
Jean Bonnet
Sébastien Bourdin
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
The Annals of Regional Science / Issue 3/2023
Print ISSN: 0570-1864
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0592