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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Digital Inclusion Trajectory of People with Down Syndrome: A Pilot Study

Authors : Dany Lussier-Desrochers, Claude L. Normand, Alejandro Romero-Torres, Yves Lachapelle, Geneviève Labrecque, Valérie Godin-Tremblay

Published in: Advances in Design for Inclusion

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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In Quebec (Canada), digital inclusion of people with intellectual disability is a matter of concern. It appears that certain obstacles are jeopardizing most of these people’s access to information and communication technology in their daily lives. The resulting digital divide is impairing recent efforts to promote social inclusion. In 2016, the Montreal, Quebec, Group for trisomy 21 (RT21) (Regroupement pour la Trisomie 21) created a Technology in Support of Autonomy program to promote the digital inclusion of people with intellectual disability. TASA consists of daily activities using iPads. Each activity is adapted to the participants’ own life goals and helps develop their self-determination and autonomy. The study associated with this program has two main objectives: (1) make a project implementation assessment and (2) draw a portrait of participants’ digital inclusion trajectory over nine months. The results suggest that the program improves the participants’ ability to use technology and thus supports certain dimensions of digital inclusion.

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La technologie au service de l’autonomie.
Regroupement pour la trisomie 21.
Quotations from the participants are translations from French.
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Digital Inclusion Trajectory of People with Down Syndrome: A Pilot Study
Dany Lussier-Desrochers
Claude L. Normand
Alejandro Romero-Torres
Yves Lachapelle
Geneviève Labrecque
Valérie Godin-Tremblay
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