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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

14. Digital Politics, Urban Geographies: Emergence as an Orientation to Life with Platforms

Author : Sarah Elwood

Published in: Geographies of the Platform Economy

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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My chapter makes a case for “emergence” as an epistemological reorientation in scholarship on digital urbanism that offers generative openings in our theoretical and analytic imaginaries, beyond deficit- and damage-centered frames. I explore the epistemological and political possibilities of emergence through a close reading of insurgent improvisational digital tactics forged by diverse actors confronting racial violence, surveillant policing, tenant abuse, and more. Opening up the theoretical imaginaries through which we try to understand urban life with platforms is urgent and stands to reveal creatively grounded, deeply relational digital praxes of everyday life that recalibrate urban sociospatialities around emplacement, solidarities, and thriving.

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Arising at the intersection of humanistic and social scientific modes of knowledge making, ‘close reading’ involves sustained fine-grained interpretive attention to a phenomenon (here, material-aesthetic ruptures in digitally mediated urban life), especially attention to its paradoxes and tensions (Lukić and Espinosa 2012; Love 2013).
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Digital Politics, Urban Geographies: Emergence as an Orientation to Life with Platforms
Sarah Elwood
Copyright Year