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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

18. Digital Twin Enabling Intelligent Scheduling in ZDM Environments: an Overview

Authors : Julio C. Serrano-Ruiz, Josefa Mula, Raúl Poler

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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As at any decision level in operations planning and control (OPC), operational decisions are influenced by the technological advances underpinning the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) paradigm. In this increasingly digitized environment, scheduling problems have to cope with stochastic demand, dynamic task allocation flow, routing flexibility, or task rescheduling. The ability to virtually replicate the scheduling process in an I4.0 environment enables its optimization, simulation, prediction, and automatic analysis in real time. These features are necessary in manufacturing environments with a zero-defect manufacturing strategy (ZDM) because these factors allow scheduling problems to be adapted to this strategy’s requirements. Therefore, a scheduling problem in a ZDM environment driven by a digital twin (DT) will favor better production system performance. With this approach, the present article provides an overview of the scientific literature for this combined set of concepts. It presents the academic and research implications of the present research, discusses its results and limitations, and indicates where future research into this theme is to be directed.

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Digital Twin Enabling Intelligent Scheduling in ZDM Environments: an Overview
Julio C. Serrano-Ruiz
Josefa Mula
Raúl Poler
Copyright Year

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