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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Digitalization, structuration and agency in organizations concerned with the placement of refugee parents in institutions of early childhood care and education

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In their access to institutions of early childhood care and education, many refugee parents utilize offers of information and guidance by social service organizations. These services are often supported or performed in digital ways. Many pedagogic professionals of the regarding institutions use Apps or Emails to get in contact with their clients, other engage in the development of information media like videos or websites. Anyhow, for the employees there are many obstacles for an efficient usage of these media. Varying communication-practices of the clients, laws and missing technological competences force the professional to find creative ways in efficiently using the devices.

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The data was collected in the context of a research project at Leuphana University Germany. The project is titled “Integration Through Trust. How refugee parents of 0–5-year-olds build trust in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services in Lower Saxony”. It was financed by Lower Saxony’s State Ministry of Science and Culture with a EUR 0.8 million funding from the “Niedersächsisches Vorab”. Head of the overall project is Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandermann. Leader of media-related sub-project is Prof. Dr. Henrike Friedrichs-Liesenkötter.
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Digitalization, structuration and agency in organizations concerned with the placement of refugee parents in institutions of early childhood care and education
Marek Winkel
Copyright Year

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