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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Digitalized Development Methodology for the Continuous Vehicle Product Life Cycle

Authors : Markus Christian, Thomas Huber

Published in: 21. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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The automotive industry is undergoing an unprecedented transformation. From new E/E architectures to central vehicle computers, new developments are emerging to deal with increasing complexity and a growing number of functions. As well as making increasing use of affordable consumer IT technologies, vehicle software is evolving into a living object that receives a continuous stream of updates and even functional enhancements. This is creating a new world of entirely new business models in which conventional development methods are reaching their limits. A vehicle exists both as a physical object in the real world and as a digital model, or “digital twin”, each of which is closely synchronized with the other. Development and operations cycles are increasingly merging in a way that would be impossible without virtualization and modern development approaches such as continuous deployment. Bosch and its subsidiary ETAS are shaping this new world. They offer a Software-in-the-Loop (SiL) suite that links the various elements of virtualization to the required development tools in a modular and flexible manner. Coordinated interactions between the key elements of the SiL framework ensure the quality and usability of the virtual world elements. These include, for example, virtual ECUs that guarantee realistic behavior, a powerful simulation and integration tool, virtual networks, and validation through the monitoring of system behavior in the field. Virtualization at the complete-vehicle level is no longer a vision, but a reality that is already used by OEMs.

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Digitalized Development Methodology for the Continuous Vehicle Product Life Cycle
Markus Christian
Thomas Huber
Copyright Year