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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

1. Disaster Risk Reduction and Civil Engineering—An Introduction

Authors : Sreevalsa Kolathayar, Indrajit Pal, Satya Venkata Sai Aditya Bharadwaz Ganni

Published in: Civil Engineering for Disaster Risk Reduction

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This chapter presents the definitions and concepts of disaster risk reduction and its relation to the discipline of civil engineering. It is important to have the infrastructure resilient to disaster. In addition, civil engineering has the potential to offer solutions that can reduce the risk during a disaster. The disaster risk can be reduced by reducing the exposure and vulnerability. The civil engineers can reduce the disaster risk in several ways such as proper land use planning, integrating efficient codal provisions, appropriate design reducing the vulnerability, quality improvement in construction, provision of sea walls, flood protection structures, drainage systems, and earth retention schemes. This book envisages knowledge dissemination on disaster risk reduction primarily focusing on civil engineering perspectives and cross-cutting issues. Research and innovations in civil engineering have the potential to offer solutions toward disaster resilient infrastructures. The vision of this book is in line with the priorities set by UN-SFDRR and UN-SDGs to promote a global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction.

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Disaster Risk Reduction and Civil Engineering—An Introduction
Sreevalsa Kolathayar
Indrajit Pal
Satya Venkata Sai Aditya Bharadwaz Ganni
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore