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13-07-2024 | Original Paper

DNA codes over \(GR(2^{3},d)[X]/\langle X^{2},2X \rangle\)

Authors: C. Álvarez-García, C. A. Castillo-Guillén, Mohamed Badaoui

Published in: Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing

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The main results of this paper are in two directions. First, the family of finite local rings of length 4 whose annihilator of their maximal ideals have length 2 is determined. Second, the structure of constacyclic, reversible and DNA codes over those rings are described, the length of the code is relatively prime to the characteristic of the residue field of the ring.

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DNA codes over
C. Álvarez-García
C. A. Castillo-Guillén
Mohamed Badaoui
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
Print ISSN: 0938-1279
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0622

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