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07-07-2023 | Original Paper

Do satisfaction, gender issues, and financial inclusion impact Italian female managers?

Authors: Rosella Castellano, Jessica Riccioni, Azzurra Rinaldi

Published in: Review of Managerial Science | Issue 7/2024

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In this paper, we investigate the levels of satisfaction achieved by Italian women managers concerning family welfare, working life, and personal life. We analyze the possible effects of specific drivers influencing women's satisfaction and their perception of the impact of financial inclusion on their professional lives. To achieve these goals, we have developed an online questionnaire divided into four sections. The collected data have been studied by using Cluster Analysis and Mixed Effect Models to gain some insights into the key factors that should be considered in terms of policy implications. This paper aims at filling the gap in the existent scientific literature on this topic. This is one of the few studies conducted on the level of women’s satisfaction and the only one analyzing the Italian female managers’ population.

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Do satisfaction, gender issues, and financial inclusion impact Italian female managers?
Rosella Castellano
Jessica Riccioni
Azzurra Rinaldi
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Review of Managerial Science / Issue 7/2024
Print ISSN: 1863-6683
Electronic ISSN: 1863-6691

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