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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Doubly-Efficient Batch Verification in Statistical Zero-Knowledge

Authors : Or Keret, Ron D. Rothblum, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan

Published in: Theory of Cryptography

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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A sequence of recent works, concluding with Mu et al. (Eurocrypt, 2024) has shown that every problem \(\varPi \) admitting a non-interactive statistical zero-knowledge proof (\(\text {NISZK}\)) has an efficient zero-knowledge batch verification protocol. Namely, an \(\text {NISZK}\) protocol for proving that \(x_1,\dots ,x_k \in \varPi \) with communication that only scales poly-logarithmically with k. A caveat of this line of work is that the prover runs in exponential-time, whereas for \(\text {NP}\) problems it is natural to hope to obtain a doubly-efficient proof – that is, a prover that runs in polynomial-time given the k \(\text {NP}\) witnesses.
   In this work we show that every problem in \(\text {NISZK}\cap \text {UP}\) has a doubly-efficient interactive statistical zero-knowledge proof with communication \(\textrm{poly}(n,\log (k))\) and \(\textrm{poly}(\log (k),\log (n))\) rounds. The prover runs in time \(\textrm{poly}(n,k)\) given access to the k \(\text {UP}\) witnesses. Here n denotes the length of each individual input, and \(\text {UP}\) is the subclass of \(\text {NP}\) relations in which YES instances have unique witnesses.
   This result yields doubly-efficient statistical zero-knowledge batch verification protocols for a variety of concrete and central cryptographic problems from the literature.

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Doubly-efficient proofs are also studied in the context of problems in \(\text {P}\) (rather than \(\text {NP}\)) in which case we require the prover to run in polynomial-time, without any additional auxiliary information. See the recent survey by Goldreich [Gol18].
For batch verification of QR, there is a simple reduction from k instances to 1 by taking a random modular subset product of the given integers. However, this only works in case we use the same modulus for each instance whereas our protocol works even when using different moduli. Also, we note that [BDSMP91] only give an \(\text {NISZK}\) for QNR. However, in case N is a Blum integer, QR reduces to QNR by multiplying the input by \(-1 \pmod N\) (since \(-1\) is a QNR modulo a Blum integer).
Here we need a combiner between k commitments, which needs to be hiding if all of them are hiding, and binding if at least one of them is binding. A suitable combiner in this setting is to simply commit separately using each commitment scheme.
The later work of Ong and Vadhan [OV08] constructs instance-dependent commitments for all of \(\text {SZK}\). However, their construction is more complex and the simpler construction of instance-dependent commitments for \(\text {NISZK}\), due to [NV06], suffices for our results.
The commitment scheme, as presented in [NV06], was for a different promise problem known as \(\text {EA}\). However, it involved a preprocessing step intended to transform an \(\text {EA}\) instance into an Image Density instance. Since we will work directly with Image Density instances, we skip this preprocessing step.
We slightly abuse notation here since \(C_{V_{\text {UP}}}\) does not compute the functionality f (Note that f has \(\ell +1\) inputs while \(C_{V_{\text {UP}}}\) only has two). This abuse of notation is justified since the sizes of \(C_{V_{\text {UP}}}\) and the closely related circuit that computes f differ only by a multiplicative factor of \(\textrm{poly}(\ell )\), and \(\ell \) is constant.
Recall that the collision probability of a distribution X is defined as \(\text {cp}(X) = \mathop {\textrm{Pr}}\limits _{x,x'\leftarrow X} \left[ x=x' \right] \).
To facilitate the recursion, we need to rely on a protocol that does batch verification and additionally checks some (small-depth) predicate on the k witnesses.
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Doubly-Efficient Batch Verification in Statistical Zero-Knowledge
Or Keret
Ron D. Rothblum
Prashant Nalini Vasudevan
Copyright Year

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