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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Drive the Future—Benchmark and Verification of DriveByWire Functions

Authors : Christian Wagner, Ronny Lepke, Dirk Dreyer, Stefan Schröder, Felix Heinrich, Marcus Perner, Luciano Stasi, Martin Gebhardt, Simon Heine

Published in: 12th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2021

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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In a futuristic setting of automated driving, the driver commits the driving task to the vehicle and the steering wheel disappears into the dashboard. SteerByWire steering systems serve as key technology to implement this idea. The mechanical coupling between the steering wheel and the steered wheels is eliminated, which saves installation space and the steering wheel can be moved more freely and even stowed in the dashboard. Along with this, the vehicle is controlled via DriveByWire functions. Therefore, the vehicle's lane keeping is independent of the driver. Apart from automated driving, the DriveByWire functionality gives manual driving new opportunities to improve the driving experience, as well. The aim is to support the driver additionally in order to increase comfort, driving safety and agility.
But how can these functions be developed? Are they delivering the anticipated progress for tomorrows driving? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to develop and test new functions in first test vehicles. There are currently no redundant SteerByWire systems available on the market, which means that vehicle manufacturers have to set up their own systems in cooperation with their suppliers. However, this step is associated with very high costs and a long development time in order to set up a first redundant test system.
In cooperation with Volkswagen AG and a number of suppliers, IAV has succeeded in setting up a cost-effective development platform. A column-type EPS serves as a ForceFeedback actuator and a DualPinion EPS as a rack actuator. In consultation with the respective supplier, these components are enabled for the DriveByWire application. In addition, a clutch is integrated into the steering column to provide a fallback level.
This paper focuses on building a development platform and testing a SteerByWire system. Using the developed system, it is possible to make the new technology experience, develop new features and validate them.

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go back to reference SAE J3016-Jun2018, Kapitel 5.5, Note 1, Seite 25 SAE J3016-Jun2018, Kapitel 5.5, Note 1, Seite 25
Drive the Future—Benchmark and Verification of DriveByWire Functions
Christian Wagner
Ronny Lepke
Dirk Dreyer
Stefan Schröder
Felix Heinrich
Marcus Perner
Luciano Stasi
Martin Gebhardt
Simon Heine
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg