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Dynamic Crushing Behaviors of Aluminum Foam Filled Energy Absorption Connectors

Authors: Yonghui Wang, Ximei Zhai

Published in: International Journal of Steel Structures | Issue 1/2019

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This paper presented the numerical studies on the dynamic crushing behaviors of the aluminum foam filled energy absorption connectors. The finite element (FE) model was firstly constructed and the accuracy of the FE model was verified by comparing the force–displacement curves from FE analyses with those from tests and analytical predictions. The numerical results revealed that the deformation mode of the connector under dynamic crushing evidently differed from that under quasi-static loading mainly due to the inertia effect. Besides, the energy absorption capacity was also improved when the dynamic crushing load was applied. Then, the parametric studies on the effects of crushing velocity–time history, angle between flat plate and pleated plate as well as pleated plate thickness on the energy absorption enhancements of the connectors were conducted. Based on the numerical results, two empirical equations were derived in terms of various parameters to predict the energy absorption enhancements of aluminum foam and pleated plate, which could be employed to obtain the force–displacement functions of the connectors under dynamic crushing.

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Dynamic Crushing Behaviors of Aluminum Foam Filled Energy Absorption Connectors
Yonghui Wang
Ximei Zhai
Publication date
Korean Society of Steel Construction
Published in
International Journal of Steel Structures / Issue 1/2019
Print ISSN: 1598-2351
Electronic ISSN: 2093-6311

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