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2015 | Book Series

Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance

Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance

27 Volumes | 1999 - 2022


In recent years there has been a rapidly growing interest in the study of dynamic nonlinear phenomena in economic and financial theory, while at the same time econometricians and statisticians have been developing methods for modeling such phenomena. Despite the common focus of theorists and econometricians, both lines of research have had their own publication outlets. The new book series is designed to further the understanding of dynamic phenomena in economics and finance by bridging the gap between dynamic theory and empirics and to provide cross-fertilization between the two strands.

The series will place particular focus on monographs, surveys, edited volumes, conference proceedings and handbooks on:

  • Nonlinear dynamic phenomena in economics and finance, including equilibrium, disequilibrium, optimizing and adaptive evolutionary points of view; nonlinear and complex dynamics in microeconomics, finance, macroeconomics and applied fields of economics.
  • Econometric and statistical methods for analysis of nonlinear processes in economics and finance, including computational methods, numerical tools and software to study nonlinear dependence, asymmetries, persistence of fluctuations, multiple equilibria, chaotic and bifurcation phenomena.
  • Applications linking theory and empirical analysis in areas such as macrodynamics, microdynamics, asset pricing, financial analysis and portfolio analysis, international economics, resource dynamics and environment, industrial organization and dynamics of technical change, labor economics, demographics, population dynamics, and game theory.

The target audience of this series includes researchers at universities and research and policy institutions, students at graduate institutions, and practitioners in economics, finance and international economics in private or government institutions.

All titles in this series are peer-reviewed. The series is indexed in Scopus.