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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Dynamically Configurable Autonomous Vehicles for Urban Cargo Transportation

Authors : Lars Everding, Iqra Aslam, Christian Raulf, Or Aviv Yarom, Jannis Fritz, Sven Jacobitz, Torben Hegerhorst, Christian Pethe, Tarık Şahin, Jannes Iatropoulos, Thomas Vietor, Andreas Rausch, Xiaobo Liu-Henke, Roman Henze

Published in: Towards the New Normal in Mobility

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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According to current automotive trends, future mobility solutions will be characterized by a high degree of automation, interconnectivity and -modality, and locally emission-free powertrains. New usage models also based on an increased willingness from people to share a vehicle or the journey itself will enable highly flexible and innovative concepts, which enable different usage capabilities, like people or cargo transport, during different times of the day.

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Dynamically Configurable Autonomous Vehicles for Urban Cargo Transportation
Lars Everding
Iqra Aslam
Christian Raulf
Or Aviv Yarom
Jannis Fritz
Sven Jacobitz
Torben Hegerhorst
Christian Pethe
Tarık Şahin
Jannes Iatropoulos
Thomas Vietor
Andreas Rausch
Xiaobo Liu-Henke
Roman Henze
Copyright Year

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