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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

29. Dystopian Cityscapes in Cinema. Architectural Design as Visual Narrative Devices

Author : Vishnu K. Suresh

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The research envisions how the genre of dystopia originates through literature through themes, and films through visual narrative devices like architecture, and how the environments and architecture become an important part of the dystopic fiction. Tracing its theological and philosophical origins to its place in modern literature, to post-modern cinema and animation, dystopic fiction is a genre rich with the possibilities of architecture enhancing the design of a story. The definitions of ‘dystopia’, ‘visual narrative devices’, ‘environmental storytelling’ are discussed, through its formation and design. One of the most important elements of narrating stories in a collective medium like cinema, is production design, which refers to the creation of sets and environments where the story takes place. Production design consists of sets, environments, creation of atmosphere, colors and textures, which collectively are expressed using architecture design, as narrative devices. Cinema has collectively used the medium of architectural design as a device to visually narrate the story, and this paper establishes how architectural design is used as visual narrative devices, by taking ‘dystopian cityscapes’ as a genre of films for exploration.

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DYSTOPIA: Meaning and Definition for UK English.
Inferences drawn from primary surveys of literature and cinema, as elaborated further.
A period of dissolution or destruction of the manifested universe at the end of a cycle according to Hindu philosophy.
In Scandinavian mythology, the end of the world of gods and men.
An epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia, regarded as the earliest surviving notable literature and the second oldest religious text.
In Hindu philosophy, the material appearance or incarnation of a deity on Earth.
Anime (Merriam Webster Dictionary)—A style of animation originating in Japan that is characterized by stark colorful graphics depicting vibrant characters in action-filled plots often with fantastic or futuristic themes.
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go back to reference Mennel, B.: Cities and Cinema. University of Florida, Gainesville Mennel, B.: Cities and Cinema. University of Florida, Gainesville
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go back to reference Kayatekin, C.S.: Distortion, Delusion, and Dystopia in Architecture. Construction, Fall (2016) Kayatekin, C.S.: Distortion, Delusion, and Dystopia in Architecture. Construction, Fall (2016)
go back to reference Toprak, Ö.: City and Cinema. Int. J. Human. Soc. Sci. Inven. (2016) Toprak, Ö.: City and Cinema. Int. J. Human. Soc. Sci. Inven. (2016)
go back to reference Lochtefeld, J.: “Avatar” in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism, vol. 1. A-M, Rosen Publishing (2002) Lochtefeld, J.: “Avatar” in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism, vol. 1. A-M, Rosen Publishing (2002)
Dystopian Cityscapes in Cinema. Architectural Design as Visual Narrative Devices
Vishnu K. Suresh
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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