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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Eco-efficiency Analysis of the Brazilian Public Transport Based on Data Envelopment Analysis

Authors : Wagner Rui Correa Olaya, Victor Welder Santiago Araújo, Nathália Jucá Monteiro, Andreia Zanella, Renata Oliveira

Published in: Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This study reports the eco-efficiency quantification of urban public transportation in Brazilian states. The modal focused on is urban bus. A composite indicator was specified to meet the premises of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SC&P) in the urban planning domain. This paper can be considered applied research that considers the Benefit of the doubt (BoD) approach in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models. DEA is non-parametric a technique recommended by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for performance assessments using composite indicators (CI). The scope of this research encompasses 26 capitals of Brazilian states and the capital of the Federal District. This paper also reports the framework of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) reflecting urban transportation system in Brazil. The results using data of 2019 showed that only the Brazilian Federal District was considered eco-efficient whilst more economically developed and populous states showed undesirable levels of CO2 emissions (e.g. Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro).

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Eco-efficiency Analysis of the Brazilian Public Transport Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
Wagner Rui Correa Olaya
Victor Welder Santiago Araújo
Nathália Jucá Monteiro
Andreia Zanella
Renata Oliveira
Copyright Year

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