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Effect of Cr Doping on Oxidation Resistance and Oxidation Mechanism of TiC Reinforced Steel Matrix Composites: Experiments and First-Principles Calculations

Authors: Chengru Li, Xiaolin Li, Yanmei Li, Xiangtao Deng, Zhaodong Wang

Published in: Metals and Materials International | Issue 11/2023

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Oxidation is an inevitable problem and accelerates the wear of materials under high temperature wear conditions. To enhance the oxidation resistance of TiC particle–reinforced steel matrix composites (TiC-SMCs), the role of Cr on the oxidation mechanism of TiC-SMCs at 600 °C was investigated through experimentation and first-principles calculations in this work. The results indicated that the addition of 3 wt% Cr could induce a transformation from internal oxidation to external oxidation because the diffusion energy barrier of O atoms was increased from 0.66 to 0.91 eV. Furthermore, The adsorption of the Fe and O atoms was reduced via Cr addition. Consequently, the oxidation resistance of TiC-SMCs was improved and internal oxidation was inhibited with increasing Cr content, where the oxidation rate coefficients of TiC-SMCs with 3 wt% and 0.3 wt% Cr content were 3.79 × 10−4 and 4.84 × 10−1 mg2 cm−4 h−1, respectively. The present study would not only provide the basic understanding for the role of Cr on oxidation behavior, but also contribute to the design of TiC reinforced steel matrix composites with excellent oxidation resistance.

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Effect of Cr Doping on Oxidation Resistance and Oxidation Mechanism of TiC Reinforced Steel Matrix Composites: Experiments and First-Principles Calculations
Chengru Li
Xiaolin Li
Yanmei Li
Xiangtao Deng
Zhaodong Wang
Publication date
The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
Published in
Metals and Materials International / Issue 11/2023
Print ISSN: 1598-9623
Electronic ISSN: 2005-4149

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