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Effect of incident angle of electromagnetic radiation on the electronic and thermoelectric properties of POPGraphene nanoribbons

Authors: Mobina Ardyani, Seyed Ahmad Ketabi, Reza Kalami

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 3/2024

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In this work, we theoretically investigate the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the electronic and thermoelectric properties of Penta-Octa-Penta Graphene (POPGraphene) nanoribbons. Specifically, we study the effects of varying the incident angle (0–90 degrees) of radiation on the density of states, transmission function, Seebeck coefficient, and electronic figure of merit (ZTe) of the nanoribbons. Our results demonstrate that the electronic properties are highly dependent on radiation conditions due to their influence on electron transport. We find that the density of states and transmission function exhibit distinct radiation angle-dependent behaviors that highlight the role of the radiation's electric field orientation. Importantly, the ZTe shows significant modulation with the incident angle, achieving optimized values up to 0.275. These findings provide insights into controlling the electronic and thermoelectric properties of POPGraphene nanoribbons using electromagnetic radiation. Our work underscores opportunities for developing Graphene-based nanophotonic devices with enhanced performance through all-optical means. The demonstrated tunability via irradiation paves the way for potential applications such as optical switches, sensors, and next-generation optoelectronics using POPGraphene nanoribbons.

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Effect of incident angle of electromagnetic radiation on the electronic and thermoelectric properties of POPGraphene nanoribbons
Mobina Ardyani
Seyed Ahmad Ketabi
Reza Kalami
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 3/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137