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Effect of introducing Al2O3 as a tunnelling layer into p-CBTS/n-CdS heterojunction solar cells

Authors: Wafaâ Henni, Wassila Leila Rahal, Djaaffar Rached, Abdelkader Boukortt

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 3/2023

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We have studied the effect of introducing an insulating ultrathin Al2O3 with a very wide band gap (~ 7 eV) into a CBTS/CdS heterojunction to analyze the tunnelling effect in a Mo/MoS2/CBTS/Al2O3/CdS/ZnO/AZO/Al solar cell using experimentally calibrated numerical simulation. We first investigated the intra-band tunnelling of electrons from the p-CBTS absorber to the n-CdS emitter through the insulator layer (Al2O3). In the second analysis set, we found that the thickness of Al2O3 must be sufficient (~ 3 nm) to allow the minority carrier penetration. It is shown that the CBTS/Al2O3/CdS structure enhances the collection efficiency in the short- and long-wavelength regions, resulting in higher performance. Indeed, with an Al2O3 layer between CBTS and CdS, the device exhibits efficiency of 11.89% with VOC, JSC, and FF of 1.08 V, 15.45 mA/cm2 and 71.41%, respectively, compared to the device without Al2O3, which presents an efficiency of 6.75%, VOC = 0.69 V, JSC = 15.09 mA/cm2 and FF = 64.84%. This study provides a guide to further optimise the performance of kesterite solar cells.

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Effect of introducing Al2O3 as a tunnelling layer into p-CBTS/n-CdS heterojunction solar cells
Wafaâ Henni
Wassila Leila Rahal
Djaaffar Rached
Abdelkader Boukortt
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 3/2023
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137