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2015 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

55. Effect of Manchurian Walnut Extracts on Cancer Cells Proliferation

Authors : Changcai Zhao, Xing Niu, Rui Huang, Jiali Dong, Yuyin Li, Aipo Diao

Published in: Advances in Applied Biotechnology

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Extracts from the Manchurian walnut have the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. In this study, different extracts were obtained from Manchurian walnut peels, flowers, and leaves by the Soxhlet extraction method, and used to study the antitumor activity. MTT assay shows that the ethyl acetate phase of the peels inhibits cell proliferation of colon cancer cell SW480 with an IC50 at 56 μg/mL. Hoechst 33258 staining illustrates that the ethyl acetate phase of the peels induces cell apoptosis of SW480 cells. These results indicate that the ethyl acetate of Manchurian walnut peels inhibits cell proliferation and promotes cell apoptosis of cancer cells.

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Effect of Manchurian Walnut Extracts on Cancer Cells Proliferation
Changcai Zhao
Xing Niu
Rui Huang
Jiali Dong
Yuyin Li
Aipo Diao
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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