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03-01-2023 | Technical Article

Effect of Uniaxial Pre-strain on Room Temperature Tensile and Creep Behavior of Aluminum Alloy AA2219-T87 for Propellant Tanks of Satellite Launch Vehicles

Authors: P. Manikandan, G. Sudarshan Rao, S. V. S. Narayana Murty, V. M. J. Sharma, D. Sivakumar, P. Ramesh Narayanan, M. Mohan

Published in: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance | Issue 19/2023

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In this study, the effect of uniaxial pre-strain in the range of 1-9%, has been studied on room temperature tensile and creep behavior of aluminum alloy AA2219-T87. Tensile properties of pre-strained specimens showed an increase in yield strength up to 3% pre-strain, beyond which ductility in terms of percentage elongation was below the specification limit of 6%. Room temperature creep test results indicated that as the applied stress increases, the creep rate increases and time to failure decreases, in a linear manner. Fracture toughness of AA2219-T87 calculated based on an empirical relationship showed a decreasing trend with increasing pre-strain. Based on extensive experimental results, it is recommended to limit the amount of pre-strain to 3% during the fabrication of hardware to meet the material specifications.

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Effect of Uniaxial Pre-strain on Room Temperature Tensile and Creep Behavior of Aluminum Alloy AA2219-T87 for Propellant Tanks of Satellite Launch Vehicles
P. Manikandan
G. Sudarshan Rao
S. V. S. Narayana Murty
V. M. J. Sharma
D. Sivakumar
P. Ramesh Narayanan
M. Mohan
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance / Issue 19/2023
Print ISSN: 1059-9495
Electronic ISSN: 1544-1024

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