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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Effective Passive Daylight Strategies for Energy Conservation in Office Buildings Utilizing Window to Wall Ratio, Window Glazing, and External Shading—A Literature Review

Authors : Yasmin Abdou, Rim Anabtawi, Young Ki Kim

Published in: Proceedings of the 4th International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Numerous researchers and policymakers have revealed daylighting as an effective potential for energy conservation. However, in an extremely hot arid climate, achieving sufficient daylighting levels without increasing solar heat gain is challenging, in which the window design plays an essential role. Nevertheless, the state of research shows significant advances in research methodologies and passive strategies for optimizing energy consumption through daylight in office buildings. The literature claims that air-conditioning and artificial lighting in office buildings account for 40% and up to 70% of total energy consumption, usually higher in hot arid climates. Therefore, an in-depth review of the role and the effectiveness of different window design parameters is needed for successful daylighting practice and for optimizing building energy consumption. This paper aims to review the status of research on three fundamental window design parameters: window-to-wall ratio, window glazing, and external shading contributing to achieving daylighting and energy conservation in a hot arid climate. This paper may serve as a systematic literature study that would provide a comprehensive understanding and reference for the effectiveness of key passive strategies in building façade design.

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Effective Passive Daylight Strategies for Energy Conservation in Office Buildings Utilizing Window to Wall Ratio, Window Glazing, and External Shading—A Literature Review
Yasmin Abdou
Rim Anabtawi
Young Ki Kim
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore