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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Effects of Anisotropy on Borehole Stability

Authors : Eleni Gerolymatou, Julia Leuthold

Published in: Recent Developments of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics in Theory and Practice

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Borehole integrity is a critical concern in drilling operations, as failure induced by stress redistribution poses a significant threat to both the borehole’s stability and economic viability. Partial failure takes place in the form of borehole breakouts, where a stable configuration is reached, though failure at the borehole wall takes place. Such breakouts, though endangering stability, can also be used to gain information on the primary stress state. Conventionally, isotropic simple models are used to assess both the likelihood of collapse and the primary stress state. In the present work, the influence of yield surface anisotropy on the shape and magnitude of borehole breakouts is investigated by means of finite element numerical calibrations. The influence of the post-yield behavior of the material is touched upon. To this end, a nonlocal model is used. The implications for the selection of a suitable boring fluid and the assessment of the in situ stress state are discussed.

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Effects of Anisotropy on Borehole Stability
Eleni Gerolymatou
Julia Leuthold
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