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10-01-2024 | Original Paper

Effects of forest damage on rainfall thresholds to initiate bedload transport in mountain watersheds, Republic of Korea

Authors: Junpyo Seo, Kihwan Lee, Dongyeob Kim, Taro Uchida

Published in: Landscape and Ecological Engineering | Issue 2/2024

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In this study, we analyzed the effect of forest damage caused by forest fires or shallow landslides on the rainfall thresholds needed to initiate bedload transport in mountain watersheds. Two bedload monitoring systems were used: a slot sampler and a hydrophone. These were installed in a forest fire-damaged site, a shallow landslide-damaged site, and a control site. A total of 199 effective rainfall-bedload data were collected from 2014 to 2016. Total rainfall amount (TR) and peak rainfall intensity (PRI) were found to be the most effective rainfall indices to predict bedload transport initiation. We also used linear functions to estimate percent threshold lines of the rainfall indices and used performance evaluations to select a representative threshold line for each site. As a result, the forest fire-damaged and shallow landslide-damaged sites had lower TR and PRI reference values than the control site, indicating that lower TR and PRI values can initiate bedload transport in damaged mountain forest areas. Although our study results may be limited by different characteristics between the study sites and insufficient data collection, it still indicates that forest damage caused by forest fires and shallow landslides affects bedload transport. Future studies are needed to further confirm these findings.

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Effects of forest damage on rainfall thresholds to initiate bedload transport in mountain watersheds, Republic of Korea
Junpyo Seo
Kihwan Lee
Dongyeob Kim
Taro Uchida
Publication date
Springer Japan
Published in
Landscape and Ecological Engineering / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 1860-1871
Electronic ISSN: 1860-188X

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