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2023 | Book

Electronic Procurement of Transportation Services

An Evaluation Concept for Electronic Transportation Marketplaces


About this book

This book deals with the electronic procurement of transportation services. It provides an overview of the fundamentals for the procurement of transportation services, including the relevant objectives, involved parties, and processes. A focus is set on Electronic Transportation Marketplaces (ETMs) which offer main functionalities for the procurement of transportation services on the spot and contract market as well as additional functionalities to improve further processes (e.g., time-slot management). Even though such marketplaces are important from an economic and ecological perspective, previous research provides only little knowledge about the status quo of their use, the determinants of marketplace use and the link between this use and business value. To close these research gaps, Philipp Sylla builds a comprehensive conceptual research framework and conducts an empirical analysis based on a web survey of shippers in Germany. The empirical results build the foundation for the development of an evaluation concept that provides practical support for shippers in the assessment of marketplace use and the evaluation of potential business value impacts.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction
Since people started trading, transportation has played a crucial role in economic activities. The reason for the importance of transportation is simple: goods are seldomly produced at the same place where the demand for them arises and transportation is needed to match supply with demand. Therefore, almost every company that sells goods will require transportation at least for some part of its business.
Philipp Sylla
Chapter 2. Fundamentals for the Procurement of Transportation Services
This chapter aims to provide the fundamental knowledge for the procurement of transportation services which is needed for the following chapters. First, transportation will be defined and its links to processes within business logistics and the interdependencies to logistics planning will be presented. Afterward, the focus on road transportation within this thesis will be justified and the relevant aspects in terms of vehicles, logistics units, and processes will be discussed.
Philipp Sylla
Chapter 3. Electronic Transportation Marketplaces
Besides fundamentals for the procurement of transportation services, the remaining chapters of this thesis require a solid knowledge of ETMs which will be provided within this chapter. First, the basic terminology will be introduced and the historical development of ETMs will be reviewed. Based on different options for the classification of ETMs, the term ETM will be clearly defined for this work.
Philipp Sylla
Chapter 4. Conceptual Research Framework
To build a solid theoretical foundation for the following empirical analysis, a conceptual research framework will be developed within this chapter. First of all, the objectives and theoretical foundation of the research framework will be presented in section 4.1. In addition, the structure of the framework and its representation in this chapter will be explained.
Philipp Sylla
Chapter 5. Empirical Analysis
Within the conceptual research framework which has been developed in the previous chapter, relevant variables of ETM use, its determinants as well as the business value impacts have been identified. However, the variables and their relationships have only been derived from the literature. Thus, this work does so far not provide additional empirical evidence for the status quo of ETM use (RQ1), the relevant determinants of ETM use (RQ2), and the relation between ETM use and the business value impacts for shippers (RQ3).
Philipp Sylla
Chapter 6. An Evaluation Concept for ETMs
To help shippers to make the right decisions for ETM use (RQ4), an evaluation concept will be developed in this chapter. The evaluation concept provides a structured process for the assessment and selection of ETMs. Especially non-adopters of ETMs should benefit from this evaluation concept through improved quality of related decisions and reduced time, personnel, and costs involved in the assessment and selection of ETMs.
Philipp Sylla
Chapter 7. Conclusion
This work was motivated by several identified research gaps which exist in the context of ETMs: there is little knowledge about the current use of ETMs and the results of previous research do not support decision-makers in the assessment of ETM use or the evaluation of the business value impact of ETMs.
Philipp Sylla
Electronic Procurement of Transportation Services
Philipp Sylla
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