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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. Empirical Morphological Model to Evaluate Urban Wind Permeability in High-Density Cities

Author : Chao Yuan

Published in: Urban Wind Environment

Publisher: Springer Singapore

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In this chapter, a high-resolution frontal area density (FAD) map that evaluates urban permeability was produced using an empirical model, which takes into account the heterogeneous urban morphology and local wind availability. Using the MM5/CALMET model, the wind data of Hong Kong was simulated, the FAD map of three urban zones were calculated: podium (0–15 m), building (15–60 m), and urban canopy (0–60 m). Wind tunnel test data was used to correlate the FAD understanding of the three zones with pedestrian-level wind environment. Linear regression analysis indicated that a lower urban podium zone yielded the best correlation with the experimental data, and 200 × 200 m was the reasonable resolution for the FAD map. This study further established that the simpler two-dimensional ground coverage ratio (GCR) that is readily available in the planning circle can be used to predict the area’s average pedestrian-level urban ventilation performance of the city. Working with their in-house GIS team using available data, the GCR will provide the planners a way to understand the urban ventilation of the city for decisions related to air paths, urban permeability, and site porosity.

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Empirical Morphological Model to Evaluate Urban Wind Permeability in High-Density Cities
Chao Yuan
Copyright Year
Springer Singapore