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Enhanced Dynamic Key-Value Memory Networks for Personalized Student Modeling and Learning Ability Classification

Authors: Huanhuan Zhang, Lei Wang, Yuxian Qu, Wei Li, Qiaoyong Jiang

Published in: Cognitive Computation

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Knowledge tracing (KT) is a technique that can be applied to predict students’ current skill mastery levels and future academic performance based on previous question-answering data. A good KT model can more accurately reflect a student’s cognitive processes and provide a more realistic assessment of skill mastery level. Currently, most KT models regard all students as a whole, while ignoring their personal differences; a few KT models attempt to personalize the modeling of students from the perspective of their learning abilities, among which a typical example is Deep Knowledge Tracing with Dynamic Student Classification (DKT-DSC). However, these models have a relatively coarse-grained approach to modeling students’ learning abilities and cannot accurately capture the nonlinear relationship between students’ learning abilities and the questions they answer. To solve these problems, we propose a novel KT model named the Enhanced Dynamic Key-Value Memory Networks for Dynamic Student Classification (EnDKVMN-DSC). This model is specifically designed for personalized student modeling and learning ability classification. Specifically, first, we propose a novel Enhanced Dynamic Key-Value Memory Network (EnDKVMN) and use it to model each student’s learning ability. Second, students are classified according to their learning abilities based on the K-means algorithm. Finally, the enriched input features are constructed and passed through Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) networks to obtain prediction results. All experiments are conducted on four real-world datasets to evaluate our proposed model, and the results show that EnDKVMN-DSC outperforms the other four state-of-the-art KT models based on DKT or DKVMN in predicting student performance.

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Enhanced Dynamic Key-Value Memory Networks for Personalized Student Modeling and Learning Ability Classification
Huanhuan Zhang
Lei Wang
Yuxian Qu
Wei Li
Qiaoyong Jiang
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Cognitive Computation
Print ISSN: 1866-9956
Electronic ISSN: 1866-9964

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