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15-02-2024 | Body and Safety, Chassis, Human Factors and Ergonomics, Materials and Recycling, Noise, Vibration and Harshness, Transmission and Driveline, Vehicle Dynamics and Control

Enhancing Train Coupling Simulation by Incorporating Speed-Dependent Energy Absorber Characteristics Through a Deep Neural Network

Authors: Jun Hyeok Hwang, Hyun Seung Jung, Jin Sung Kim, Seung Ho Ahn, Hyung Gyeun Gil

Published in: International Journal of Automotive Technology | Issue 3/2024

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Recently, hydrostatic buffers have emerged as energy-absorbing components in railway vehicles. These buffers exhibit speed-dependent characteristics, with their reaction forces contingent upon compression displacement and speed. However, when dealing with a hydrostatic buffer with an unknown characteristic function in dynamic simulations, accommodating its speed-dependent attributes becomes a challenging task. In this study, we proposed a method for simulating train couplings that incorporates the speed-dependent characteristics of a hydrostatic buffer by utilizing a deep neural network (DNN). Our methodology involved the training of a DNN-based speed-dependent buffer model using empirical data obtained from dynamic buffer tests. Subsequently, this model was applied to a multibody dynamics simulation for train coupling analysis. A critical aspect of this study involved comparing speed-dependent and speed-independent models in a train coupling scenario. This comparison reveals a significant insight: neglecting speed-dependent characteristics in coupling simulations can lead to inaccurate train-coupling safety assessments. The DNN-based method demonstrated its effectiveness, even with limited test data and when the mathematical speed-dependent characteristic function of the buffer is unknown.

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Enhancing Train Coupling Simulation by Incorporating Speed-Dependent Energy Absorber Characteristics Through a Deep Neural Network
Jun Hyeok Hwang
Hyun Seung Jung
Jin Sung Kim
Seung Ho Ahn
Hyung Gyeun Gil
Publication date
The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
Published in
International Journal of Automotive Technology / Issue 3/2024
Print ISSN: 1229-9138
Electronic ISSN: 1976-3832

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