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Entrepreneurial competencies – A systematic literature review

Authors: Khuong Ngoc Mai, Quoc Hoang Thai

Published in: Journal of International Entrepreneurship

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This research performs a systematic literature review (SLR) on entrepreneurial competencies (ECs) through synthesizing the research findings of extant articles. This research applies the PRSIMA method to review selected ECs studies and the work of Garrard (2004) is utilized to construct an SLR matrix to analyze ECs literature in peer-reviewed English publications. It analyzes 174 papers published in 99 journals from 1991 to 2024, providing four major findings. First, there is an extraordinary increasing trend in the ECs field. Second, the most-well known frameworks, theories, and measurements of ECs are demonstrated, which can be leveraged to enhance the competency theory. Third, this research enhances the resource-based view (RBV) theory and the competency theory by creating a nomological network, indicating causal relationships of ECs. Finally, this research gives potential research areas for forthcoming ECs research. These research findings provide important implications for both theory and practice. In a theoretical context, this research offers a comprehensive knowledge of ECs literature and generates new insight for further studies, improving relevant theories, especially the RBV theory and the competency theory. In practice, it generates essential worldwide ECs of both local and international entrepreneurs and their causal relationships, developing both regional and international sustainable entrepreneurship.

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Entrepreneurial competencies – A systematic literature review
Khuong Ngoc Mai
Quoc Hoang Thai
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Print ISSN: 1570-7385
Electronic ISSN: 1573-7349

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