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2018 | Supplement | Chapter

8. Environmental Responsibility Assessment using Belief Rule Based Inference

Authors : Anar Bazarhanova, Ah-Lian Kor, Colin Pattinson

Published in: Technology for Smart Futures

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This book chapter is an extension of (Bazarhanova et al., Belief rule-based environmental responsibility assessment for small and medium-sized enterprises (note: this includes a comparison with fuzzy logic), Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Future Technologies Conference, 6–7 December, San Francisco, US, 2016; Bazarhanova et al., A Belief Rule-Based Environmental Responsibility Assessment System for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (note: without comparison with fuzzy logic), International SEEDS Conference, 14–15th September, 2016, Leeds. (Won Highly Commended Award for Green Infrastructure Category, 2016)) and adaptation from (Bazarhanova, A Belief Rule-Based Environmental Responsibility Assessment System for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, An unpublished Masters Degree Dissertation, Leeds Beckett University. URL: https://​www.​doria.​fi/​bitstream/​handle/​10024/​124773/​Thesis%20​Bazarhanova.​pdf?​sequence=​2, 2016). This chapter proposes the use of belief rule-based (BRB) inference engine for Environmental Responsibility assessment in small- and medium-sized enterprises. Such a context-adapted approach is believed to generate well-balanced, sensible, and Green ICT readiness-adapted results, to help enterprises focus on making improvement on more sustainable business operations.

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Environmental Responsibility Assessment using Belief Rule Based Inference
Anar Bazarhanova
Ah-Lian Kor
Colin Pattinson
Copyright Year