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29-11-2024 | Chassis, Connected Automated Vehicles and ITS, Electrical and Electronics, Vehicle Dynamics and Control

Estimation of Sideslip Angle Based on the Combination of Dynamic and Kinematic Methods

Authors: Yuan Jie Ma, Xing Lin Zhou, Mao Ping Ran

Published in: International Journal of Automotive Technology

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The sideslip angle is an important parameter for vehicle stability control, but the acquisition of the sideslip angle requires expensive experimental equipment, which is not suitable for ordinary passenger vehicles. Therefore, the sideslip angle is usually estimated by the state quantity easily obtained by the vehicle directly. An extended Kalman filter (EKF) observer for vehicle steady state is constructed based on a single-track vehicle model combined with a transient magic tire model. The kinematic model based on velocity relationship of the vehicle can accurately calculate the sideslip angle under transient conditions. The EKF observer of kinematic method is designed for the estimation of sideslip angle under transient characteristic. On this basis, combining the advantages of the two estimations, a weight allocation method based on the transient characteristics of the vehicle is designed to improve the estimation accuracy in the whole operating condition. The finding derived from the joint simulation conducted by Carsim and Matlab/Simulink indicate that the fusion estimator can combine the advantages of dynamic and kinematic methods. It not only has good robustness to sensor noise and signal error, but also can achieve accurate estimation of sideslip angle under various road condition and driving control.

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Estimation of Sideslip Angle Based on the Combination of Dynamic and Kinematic Methods
Yuan Jie Ma
Xing Lin Zhou
Mao Ping Ran
Publication date
The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
Published in
International Journal of Automotive Technology
Print ISSN: 1229-9138
Electronic ISSN: 1976-3832