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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Europe-Africa Relations: A “Top of the Pyramid” Entrepreneurship-Based Perspective Using Mozambique as a Case Study

Author : Renato Pereira

Published in: The Palgrave Handbook on China-Europe-Africa Relations

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This work develops research on the current status of African entrepreneurship. It explores the extent, reach and impact that Europe-Africa relations could have on fostering productive entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Productive entrepreneurship is presented as a fundamental element in development strategies for the SSA. The reach of opportunity-driven entrepreneurial strategies implemented in this region is assessed through a description of the African tech hubs, or innovation hubs, created across the continent and the digital entrepreneurial activity that has recently emerged in these structures. Finally, based on these cases and on a political reading of the economic options available to African countries that have an impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem, a discussion of possible Europe-supported public policies targeting “top of the pyramid” entrepreneurship has been developed. The basic research question of this work is: what type of new Europe-Africa relations could contribute to the advancement of productive entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa, given present-day global challenges? Academic importance: whereas the literature on development economics reports that productive entrepreneurship has a significant positive impact on SSA’s economic growth, necessity-driven entrepreneurship has almost none. Contributions for a better understanding of how Africa could use its largest economic partner—Europe—to develop this type of entrepreneurship are certainly a priority. Methodology: literature review, document analysis, qualitative original data description and analysis.

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Europe-Africa Relations: A “Top of the Pyramid” Entrepreneurship-Based Perspective Using Mozambique as a Case Study
Renato Pereira
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