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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Evaluating Bitumen Mix with a Blend of RHA and Synthetic Material: A Comparative Perspective

Authors : Malathi Narra, Dharmika Chowdary Karusala, Sai Satya Sreya Godi, Raja Sankhar, Galla Yaswanth

Published in: Advances in Environmental Sustainability, Energy and Earth Science

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Bituminous surface roads are rapidly degrading due to growing traffic loads and climate change. Therefore, the management of fracture and permanent deformations in flexible pavements has been the subject of research in recent years. Various polymer modifiers are used to alleviate fatigue, rutting, and low-temperature cracking concerns. One kind of substance that has a lot of fine glass fibres in it is called glass powder. A key component in enhancing the performance of flexible pavements is additive. Glass powder has been used to improve asphalt mixture performance by preventing fatigue cracking and permanent deformation, as well as improving automatic characteristics. Compared to previous methods, it was discovered that adding glass powder to the bituminous pavement mix as a low-cost modifier improved performance. To assess the performance characteristics of a bitumen mixture, a combination of glass powder and rice husk ash (RHA) is introduced in this study.

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Evaluating Bitumen Mix with a Blend of RHA and Synthetic Material: A Comparative Perspective
Malathi Narra
Dharmika Chowdary Karusala
Sai Satya Sreya Godi
Raja Sankhar
Galla Yaswanth
Copyright Year